How To Mess With the Greeks: A Plan in 7 Parts

Step Zero : The Bet “So we’re all in agreement?” Loki asked as he dropped his wager into the large black pot in the middle of the three men. Set snorted. Of course it was Loki who needed clarification. More than any of them, the Norse trickster thrived on his golden tongue coming up with words and agreements that twisted things in his favour. Probably thought that would help him. Not here. Plus that cape. Set almost rolled his eyes. Trust Loki to find the most ostentatious shade of green available. Every so often a gust of desert wind would whip up and grab the tails of the cape, nearly hiding the Norse god under the folds. “We are,” Eshu stepped forward, and threw his own wager into the cauldron, “the terms of the bet seem acceptable to me.” They both turned to Set, waiting for his confirmation.